The artists at Vesalan peruskoulu in Finland are so excited to have new friends in Spain! We had a good discussion about languages and all the different ways we can communicate. In the group we have people who speak Finnish, Russian, Arabic, English, and probably many other languages, but we realized that art is a language too! And today we experimented with using photography as our medium!
Since this was the first project in getting to know our friends we first thought of things we like about ourselves and characteristics that we would like to share with them.
Then we experimented with photography! The characteristics we wanted to highlight guided our camera. Some of us went outside (in freezing cold weather!) to take the self-portraits while others used different techniques to spread their message such as drawing. In any case, the final work was a photographic self-portrait.
To round out the session we looked at some self-portraits from Nan Goldin, Josef Koudelka and Zev. Everybody could share their own perspectives on how that photographic spoke to them.
We look forward to seeing our friend's self-portraits!
The 4th graders at Vesalan Peruskoulu in Helsinki, Finland are making and sharing art with the 5th graders at Escola SOLC in Barcelona, Spain. Artists in both groups are 10-11 years old.